Sculptures of Palmyra

Sculptures of PalmyraSculptures of Palmyra

価格(Price ¥) : 20,000円
ISBN 9784906127009
Series シリーズ Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum ; 1
Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum ; 1
Author 著者 Tanabe, Katsumi
Tanabe, Katsumi
Publisher 出版社 The Ancient Orient Museum
Pub. place 出版地 Tokyo
Pub. date 出版日 1986.01
Status 状態
Ref No. JPTE1806-0012
NDC 2: History. Geography 歴史,地理
Ancient Palmyra, flourished as one of the Greco-Roman caravan cities in the middle of the Syrian Desert, accumulated overwhelming wealths both from the West and the East. Based on such wealths, the city dwellers left us a wide range of funerary sculptures. This first Memoir compiles more than 400 monochrome plates of monumental architectures, various tombs, decorated steles, votive reliefs, and statues, each with short descriptions./499 pages, hardcover A4