Tell Mastuma : an iron age settlement inNorthwest Syria

Tell Mastuma : an iron age settlement inNorthwest SyriaTell Mastuma : an iron age settlement in Northwest Syria

価格(Price ¥) : 15,000円
ISBN 9784906127030
Series シリーズ Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum ; 3
Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum ; 3
Author 著者 Iwasaki, Takuya
Iwasaki, Takuya
Publisher 出版社 The Ancient Orient Museum
Pub. place 出版地 Tokyo
Pub. date 出版日 2009.01
Status 状態
Ref No. JPTE1806-0014
NDC 2: History. Geography 歴史,地理
The excavations at Tell Mastuma, northwestern Syria, were carried out by the Ancient Orient Museum from 1980 to 1995. Our researches at the settlement illuminated thick layers of occupation from Neolithic and Early Bronze Age up to the Achaemenid Period. This final report primarily focuses on a small Iron Age town and many aspects of its material culture, including scientific analyses./10 colour plates, xvii + 572 pages, softcover A4