Excavations at Tell Ali al-Hajj, Rumeilah :a Bronze-Iron age settlement on Syrian...

Excavations at Tell Ali al-Hajj, Rumeilah :a Bronze-Iron age settlement on Syrian...Excavations at Tell Ali al-Hajj, Rumeilah : a Bronze-Iron age settlement on Syrian...

価格(Price ¥) : 10,000円
ISBN 9784906127047
Series シリーズ Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum ; 4
Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum ; 4
Author 著者 Ishida, Keiko
Ishida, Keiko
Publisher 出版社 The Ancient Orient Museum
Pub. place 出版地 Tokyo
Pub. date 出版日 2014.01
Status 状態
Ref No. JPTE1806-0015
NDC 2: History. Geography 歴史,地理
After thirty years of our museum's and collaborators' investigation, the final excavation report of Tell Ali al-Hajj (also called Tell Rumeilah) is now available! This volume presents many important results on the architecture, artifacts (ceramics, clay objects, house models, metal, bone, and stone objects), and the basic chronology of this small, but long-inhabited site. Combined with the archaeological findings, additional scientific analyses including AMS carbon datings provide further insights into this village on the Euphrates. In this sense this volume will contribute to the understanding not only of a Bronze-Iron Age local community but of Mesopotamian history on the whole. / 8 colour plates, xxi + 386 pages, softcover A4