Labels at the Interfaces : On the Notions and the Consequences of Merge and Contain

Labels at the Interfaces : On the Notions and the Consequences of Merge and ContainLabels at the Interfaces : On the Notions and the Consequences of Merge and Contain

価格(Price ¥) : 6,000円
ISBN 9784798503301
Series シリーズ Kyushu daigaku jinbungaku sosho ; 21
九州大学人文学叢書 ; 21
Author 著者 Hayashi, Norimasa
Publisher 出版社 Kyushu Daigaku Shuppankai
Pub. place 出版地 Fukuoka
Pub. date 出版日 2022.03
Status 状態
Ref No. JPTE2204-0001
NDC 8: Language 言語