The Japanese Yokai Handbook : A Guide to the Spookiest Ghosts,Demons,Monsters and Evi...

The Japanese Yokai Handbook : A Guide to the Spookiest Ghosts,Demons,Monsters and Evi...The Japanese Yokai Handbook : A Guide to the Spookiest Ghosts, Demons, Monstersand Evi...

価格(Price ¥) : 2,000円
ISBN 9784805317280
Series シリーズ
Author 著者 Kinoshita, Masami
Publisher 出版社 Tuttle Publishing
Pub. place 出版地 Tokyo
Pub. date 出版日 2023.11
Status 状態
Ref No. JPTE2312-0003
NDC 3: Social Science 社会科学